whatchoo talking about

RIP gary coleman

Gary Coleman, the star of 1970/1980s TV sitcom Diff’rent Strokes, died on Friday after suffering a brain haemorrhage. He was 42.

Coleman was taken off life support and died with family and friends at his side according to media reports. He suffered the brain haemorrhage on Wednesday at his Utah home after a fall.

He was undoubtedly best remembered for Diff’rent Strokes character Arnold Jackson and his “What choo talkin’ ’bout?” catchphrase.

Diff’rent Strokes debuted on NBC in 1978 and drew most of its laughs from Coleman, then only 10 years old. Normally I wouldnt mention a show that actually started in another decade on this site, but the show mainly aired in the 80s and was most popular then.

He played the younger of two African American brothers adopted by a wealthy white man. Racism and class relations became topics on the show as much as the typical trials of growing up.

There has been talk of the show being ‘cursed’ – with reference made to all the post show personal problems that some of the stars had – not to mention the drug overdose of Dana Plato in 1999.

My teeenage years stated in 1980 and this was one show I grew up with – I can still rememeber the majority of the shows and this guy certainly made me laugh many a time.

RIP, dude. Thanks for the memories, and here’s a small tribute I found on youtube:

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